Lately it has become a big fuss about for an electric screen a British salesman (platinum) which features online store at auction and sales website, the known ebay.  With prices starting below 100 euros we confess that we were at least curious about the quality and General construction of the screen.

We got not tempted to order a screen. We chose a gray with gain 0.8 electric screen, separated 92 inches.

Price; Together with the means of a little under 170 euros. This value by itself makes the screen “beauty”; We’ll see then..

Well.. the screen arrived 5 days after ordering on our site. How? With our courier who brought up the space that the stiname (5th floor). Incredible, because we believed that such a large object, the more likely they were to fwnaxoyne us to receive it from somewhere … all this with less than 170 euro total repeat …

First positive impression …. the screen package. Kalosyskeyasmeni with protective count. With this package, the screen actually can travel everywhere and arrived intact.

After we’ve unpacked we set through the screen in the space for which it was intended and not kratiomastan to see it opens for the first time …

Second positive impression of the existence of other button and remote control for the opening and closing of the screen and one with a remote control that works FLAWLESSLY.

Let’s start from the basics. The material of the cloth isn’t something special (and thickness) and it seemed directly with the convexity acquired hog from the very first moment. Small bad because at that point there is a black border and does not affect the view (or the affects minimal degree). At the back (on the back of the screen) we find black coating.

Next surprise completely silent operation. You can open and close without even hear the motor working (if you sit in the viewing point-3 m +).

Also another big positive, 40 points of black cloth on top. This means that you can easily customise your on site (something like the headlight lens shift)

The first time you open strongly emits the smell of freskobammenoy in the area (like you had dyed minutes earlier), suggesting that the screen was opened for the first time after its manufacture.

Let’s move to the basics …

Creases and wrinkles again …

Is this concern more strongly than anything else the owner a collapsible screen.

Here the screen passes with 9 out of 10. That is almost perfectly. Any Zara throughout its length except; ripples that are completely normal in a large cloth that hangs … of course neither reason to bother viewing …. nor of course you realize when you look at the cloth …

Here to say that the “circle” which seems to mean, in the last two photos are from spot of space that illuminate exactly that point and not a defect of the screen.

Next stop … What else … measurement to observe neutrality of screen. Here it little basket …. because our experience of gray screens in this area is not the best we would say … and of course we were confirmed solemnly …

In measuring with spektrometro we got value close to 7100 degrees Kelvin. I.e. the display is close to 600 degrees to be termed “neutral” … clearly trending toward blue (cold).

600 points is serious divergence but not dissuasive in order to bring our projector correctly on it.

After we finished with the measurement, next stop …. projector and image!

A little observation (I will explain below), anyone who doesn’t have a projector with enough light to not even think the solution of gray screen. The grey screen with negative profit “kills” literally powerless projectors … even “small” dimension of 92 inches.

Let’s see some screen shots …

Here we didn’t have complete obfuscation and looks … There shows her teeth gray 0.8 gain screen giving very good results in the final picture..

and some dark shots …

Hot spot a zero for this screen.

The black poysarisma is truly wonderful … other than the brightness falls quite …

The point is that although the drop is uniform (as falls in black and white so), our eye for some reason perceive deeper black and higher contrast. Also the reflections on side walls is clearly smaller compared with corresponding white screen with a gain of 1.

A themataki that we saw making scrutiny on screen is that the quality of the dye does not claim credit. With very careful observation result that is not perfectly uniform. Attention, speak of observation that you do only if you check with torch from near the screen and does not affect in any way the viewing, simply we have to mention it.

To measure the drop in brightness due to Grey dye mobilizes an blank paper glue (assuming that is close to 1 gain just to do the comparison). On the screen we threw a 8720 benq and after kalimprarame got brightness measuring 7.2 fl. Putting the white paper in front (of course not changed settings on the projector) got measuring 12.5 fl brightness. That is, we had a drop in brightness close to 42%!

Of course putting white paper on part of the screen with black, the black tab that we got was really crying (it didn’t even count because not really seen, reminded gray)

Finally to say that although the 7100 points on the screen, kalimprarame two-up with excellent results, so it is not a big issue and neutrality (and clearly we would have preferred to be more neutral and this is correct).


This screen will clearly characterize as “beauty”. Still cannot believe that with 170 euro brought us inside such a honest and fully electric screen.

We cannot take an oath as to whether all the pieces will show both good features (don’t forget that they are Chinese products), other for someone who has a very low budget and he wants to acquire an electric screen at the price of a manual, is a really excellent choice.

The grey screen with a gain of 0.8 for projectors with very light and lack of how to rein in (incremental IRIS) or for lovers of good black with some sacrifices in white shots.

Not to forget … in plus and the excellent agreement with the seller, they really left us only positive impressions of the whole transaction.

Don’t stray far. .. because in a short time I posted a comparison “Colossus” for monitors, material of construction and oydeterotites, believe us will be extremely interesting. To entice you further more I mention that participating in competitive and very big names in the business (see stewart) …. to imagine stewart vs platinum I say now …

1 Comment

  1. Gaetano says:

    Hello there! I am considering buying this Platinum Cinema electric screen grey matte (0.8 gain) in 120″ which now costs £105.

    I do have an LG HU70LS (1500 LED lumens) throwing from 3.85m a 120″ image but it has poor contrast and black.
    So I need a technical screen to boost both contrast and blacks without killing the overall brightness too much.

    Should I go for it? I already tried a Bessel grey matte screen and results where excellent.



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