BenQ W1110 vs Optoma HD151X vs Optoma HD50

The truth is that a long time that I was given the opportunity to be “under your arms” with three new models of the same class and play with them. This opportunity but I xanadothike a few days ago and I decided to present this very interesting comparison.

Here the headlights have just arrived at the headquarters of projectorjunkies and rest in peace …. (without being able to imagine I guess the torture that I endure:))


All three are young, handsome and promising classical projectors and DLP most famous class of ~ thousand euros (HD50 strays a bit is true at 1300 euros).

For you have already read W1110 believe the detailed of review held here at projectorjunkies a few days before, the same too:)

The truth is that when they arrived in my hands and the three projectors, I was very curious at what my eyes will see only appeased them opposite the cloth, since the Gallery says that small class DLP = close image, imagine the same curious will be. My question was solved, time to take care of your own resolution …

Before moving on to comparative let’s see then what we have to do headlights at the level of basic features.



Briefly, I will say that going to three small-sized projectors, laptops will say. All three have lens shift (shift lens), high brightness and long lifetime of the bulb.

The W1110 and HD151X belong essentially exactly the same category as price just below the psychological threshold of 1000 euros while the HD50 rivaling more expensive models with value close to 1350 euros.

All three are characterised as home cinema projectors more neither will say not to use a professional and have all the qualifications (such as high brightness, low weight, etc.), in order to respond fully to the requirements of a presentation in uncontrolled lighting environments say. Maybe only the HD50 to spoil a bit that does not have a built-in sound.

Let’s move on to see them …













Let them look and in a common photoshoot so to look better compared to their size …



Let’s do a little analysis/comparison of characteristics of three Gladiators …



All three projectors have lenses with zoom, with the Optoma to has a wider range than W1110 (1, vs 5X 1, 3X).

O mikros BenQ can give us 100-inch image from a distance of up to 2.5 3.2 meters while two Optoma from 3.1 to 4.6 meters.

All three projectors have manual vertical lens shift, the well-known lens shift. The HD151X features the largest vertical lens shift with 20%, followed by HD50 with 15% and third and just 10% W1110. In practice it means that 100-inch frame in the HD151X may move the image vertically, 25cm 19cm and HD50 W1110 12, 5cm.


The W1110 and HD151X announce operating noise in eco mode (in the economic operation of the lamp) 27 dBA while the HD50 29 dBA. In practice the W1110 is quieter than the three with HD151X to follow and finally the HD50 that if we wanted to asteieytoyme you say “eat their food fans of”:)


Construction quality

Here comes the first big difference. Optoma both in front of the BenQ look like Chinese copies projector (okay exaggerate a bit:).) While in easily discern W1110 good application of plastics, the high quality of their materials and excellent finish, to apogoiteyesai Optoma.

I don’t know if you from the photos to distinguish what you describe, other than near the quality difference stands out even in remote control of two companies, with a clear predominance of W1110 BenQ’s. Attention, do not say that their Optoma benches and dissolve, simply indicate at first glance that belong to the cheap category unlike W1110 who inspires a touch more expensive models.

In the HD151X light leak issue is clearly the winner having nearly zero leakage, with a third to follow W1110 the HD50 who can light up a small room (humor).











First here comes the HD50 who has the most comprehensive menu of three with adjustability every possible image parameter and with extra goodies like frame interpolation.

Full CMS features to adjust color


Full RGB sliders


Pretty good gamma slider


Moreover a suite with goodies like Puremotion (frame interpolation), Ultradetail (buffer acidity other Darbie) and strongly to Purecolor colors.

hd50_pure motion

Its menu to show is classic Optoma and remains the same for many years


Second comes the W1110 who falls from the frame feature only HD50 interpolation which lacks.


O W1110 has everything, complete CMS and RGB gamma sliders that work flawlessly other let’s not expand further since we analyzed in detail in the review menu, which you can read here.

Third in this comparison comes the HD151X that has basic lack of key regulators like RGB offset that regulates our IRE scale low. At least plus beautiful new GUI designer’s menu.



Features and CMS is quite problematic. The white you see is something like rudimentary RGB gain slider that affects the entire scale with completely unpredictable way though. General HD151X is quite problematic in sliders and requires juggling tricks to set the parameters of the image, if you eventually succeed.


Somewhere here to say that all three have their own black dynamic system. It is not a mechanical IRIS other for management of Watt light bulb in combination with dynamic gamma that tries to improve the contrast levels depending on the individual frames of the film.

Let’s not going yet, but let’s see what did the three spotlights in front of the measuring instruments.





I decided on this comparison not to adjust the headlights, basically to compare akalimpraristoi (why the temptation to kalimprarw them I walked, don’t talk about it) as I played the average owner in the living room of his house, taking them from their packaging. This I believe will be the most interesting of this comparative, to discover that playing these three original headlamps having only some basic parameters configured.

So therefore I chose the most sinemadiko mode (as I did, every tainiofilos their owner), I put the lamp in low, BC at off, I adjusted brightness and contrast and I started.

Optoma HD50

HD50_cinema default

HD50_colors HDTV default

Optoma HD151X




W1110_default grey cinema 2.2 br off


The only one who is very close to the standards is the BenQ, and we pointed out in the review that this projector literally breaks the figure of measuring out of the box. Optoma both suffer from slightly chilly RGB and HD50 and by brighter gamma 2.2.

Chromatic HD50 also and HD151X does not claim credit, unlike the W1110 you can kadrareis the color of the triangle and the hang up as a table in your living room. (will you tell me the same and you can do with the color of the triangle and HD151X be called abstract art, and I got and right …)

Impression causes the pretty green ypokoresmeno of HD151X and misalignments of secondary cyan and magenta.

(For the record, however, confess that after bloody attempts hours the color triangle of HD151X improved markedly, with the exception of course of ypokoresmenoy green, who gripped and cyan with him, which probably indicates weakness of the lamp to produce despite theme in projector sliders). For argument’s sake ….

colors calibrated 1

Go see and measurements of brightness and contrast.

contrast full on/off

W1110 2366:1

HD151X 1354:1

HD50 2390:1

Minimum/maximum brightness *

W1110 731 / 1090 lumen

HD151X 785 / 1170 lumen

HD50 645 / 700 lumen

* Measured only in cinema mode where you can actually use this brightness in films

Two comments regarding contrast and brightness measurements. O HD50 gave one of the largest measurements on/off I’ve gotten with my organs in DLP projector in its class and the HD151X one of the smaller, what paradox for headlamps of the same company. The HD50 also inexplicable reason raises only 55 lumen brightness just upload the lamp in high and get the brilliant in maximum position … just curious and this.

Enough with the settings though. The issue is what our eyes see and not what count the bodies. For this reason, let’s move on to the main dish, in impressions of comparative …


First test, what else. Lens …

A photo equals a thousand words, to go …







In HD50 was impossible to make a correct focus. In the best spot of the lens the letters of icons was blurred to the point that you thought you got dakrysei. Things somehow could be put right by activating the ultra detail other relatives there other evils. To give you to understand it was as if someone had removed the point that makes the right focus the lens and you vainly trying to find it, if you catch what I mean.

The lens of HD151X much better but he not at my level I would like. I would also like to say that both Optoma does not “clear” color the pixel as you had showing something like a mistake of editing rather than the lens error. In HD151X except for fonts that looked like a matter of image processing to the rest of it was pretty good and give you the clarity you expect from a DLP.

The lens of W1110 by far the best of the three with the right focus and very good clarity. The pixel are distinguished from one another to an extent that you can start to count a a if that’s your Vice or have insomnia.

Next domain traffic.

Here all three projectors are doing wonderfully with weapon the DLP technology. Playing material in 24 frames their motion is characterized pretty good with smoothly panarismata and natural flow frame. Of course the HD50 has in his Armory and the slider in the low post that puremotion works very well smoothing out even further the already good movement of the projector. In other places unfortunately starting glitches such as momentary pauses and various articles on difficult frames, other small bad as there is this very good low setting that most people would use I guess.


Clear winner in this area well and I believe HD50 corporations should gradually place functions like F. I and the quotation marks their models.

Dark scenes.

We all know the weakness of DLP technology in this field. All three projectors have dynamic mode black (each company names differently in menu) in order to improve somewhat during these difficult scenes. The truth is that the dynamic black does work, but not without bloodshed.

To optoma for example just fallen dark scene in dynamic black sheds light increasing instant white spots and upping the contrast of the scene. Once this stage but passed and followed a bright, the gradual return to normal brightness lasts up to 5-6 seconds. I guess is the way of optoma to increasing lumen as painlessly as possible. In practice it is not so bad as it sounds and no bother to the extent that you can imagine.

On BenQ, things are different, more wild. The BenQ will shed light on the dark stage with little delay and will xananebasei to light again with little delay. In practice turns out to be slightly worse than that of optoma and more annoying even though on paper it looks better.

One major problem, however, the use of dynamic black and the three is that as soon as you have activated on bright scenes the headlight bulb seems to automatically goes into setting high resulting in increased operating noise (rise fan speed) as well as large uncontrolled brightness that will probably not be necessary.

I must admit however that the brightness of the lamp without mechanical IRIS that launch these entry-level DLP actually improves contrast in dark scenes and shows improved from generation to generation like operation apace. I admit it is something I didn’t expect.

I during this review let the dynamic black disabled however in all three projectors so you see and record their real potential in difficult dark scenes.

There the HD50 kontarochtypietai with W1110 leaving behind the HD151X that simply has more “lighter” black by both. In practice the HD50 has slightly deeper black while W1110 makes much better management of gradients there low. The HD151X could kontrarei them only with the dynamic on black, in any other case although he played quite well and uncompressed the gradients below 30IRE, simply lacked the absolute black something that showed the measurement on/off contrast.

In the ansi contrast levels W1110 doesn’t leave much room to two Optoma to claim something better than two and three positions. I would say is perhaps the area where the W1110 excels with the greatest difference from the two rivals. As the W1070 + so this new model of the BenQ produces top quantities and contrast ansi difficult I think can compete in this field any projector up to 2000 euros. The Optoma here seem to look like two drops of water (that I found in the corresponding paterns) and indeed have the classic good ansi of DLP but not absolute degree of small BenQ.







Bright colors and shots.

In bright scenes and the three projectors perform exceptionally, everyone of course with the “how” as you will see in the photos due to the different RGB diagrams that has everyone. Abysmal brightness for all that literally swallow screens under 100 inch slab.

Color the BenQ stand out like the fly in the milk (enough to notice her lips Miss to understand what I mean) boasting better color rendering of the three with obvious difference.

















“I did many experiments with my camera so I can apothanatisw the screenshots of each projector as possible with greater fidelity. This is the first time that I think I made it to such a degree. All photos are taken with the same manual settings by calibrating the white temperature as to my DSLR. I assure you that the result exceeded all my expectations. Looking after the photos in my monitor while and every projector to play exactly the same scene (making the final check), confirmed that the screeshots were now in favour of duly near real picture that I saw in the headlights. These simply as an update to the very difficult task of presenting to you really, and as most faithfully screenshots from the image of three projectors that make safe conclusions, something that I think I managed. If you have kalimprarismeno monitor then what you’ll see is very near the image of three projectors “

With series …












You can click on the photos and view them in your browser’s another record in full HD resolution.


For me personally, having literally put three projectors in every possible test (comparative that was just read a summary, believe me) I’ve already reached my own safe conclusions.

The BenQ’s W1110 is clearly for me the winner of this comparative. Clearly excels in key areas such as quality, colour, behaviour of the most balanced image out of the box and the much better lens. This would be my choice among the three if I wanted this time to make buying a projector in this class, this is the only sure thing.

On the other hand in HD50 I cannot recognize its virtues as the deepest black, higher contrast and very good interpolation frame that features. If they give a little attention to Optoma’s engineers better regulatory function and if the supply had with a better lens, maybe things were completely different in the final standings.

It remains the HD151X for the which I can say that is a pretty fair total projector. Does not claim other laurels nor sicken somewhere dramatically. Strangely lacks the black performing up and down most DLP projectors in this category and is limping and he like his brother in out of the box color behavior as well as the proper functioning of the regulators from the other is the easiest in the placement (lens shift 20%, 1.5 x zoom), has minimal light leakage from the cooling system of , has a pretty good lens and has the greater brightness of the three.

The key though is that as the big brother of the HD151X need very good calibration to reach its full potential and perhaps disadvantaged by the “sloppy” shown by Optoma engineers in this domain, the domain in which the W1110 makes a big difference because truth be told, the xepaketareis to your projector and get as good picture directly is quite important for everyone who does not want to enter detailed settings process.

In any case, anyone from three projectors and if you choose you can be sure that you won’t regret it. All three can carry the magic of cinema to your living room with a very impressive way, be sure so. ..

Good views!

Nikos Tswlas

1 Comment

  1. jamie says:

    amazing review!!

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